Jacob A. Long

Jacob A. Long

Assistant Professor of Mass Communications

University of South Carolina

I am an Assistant Professor at the University of South Carolina’s School of Journalism and Mass Communications.

My research interests are broadly in the area of political communication, with special interests in social identity, social environments, and the maintenance thereof. I also spend a good deal of my time thinking about the research designs and analytic methods we can use to learn more about these things.


  • Political communication
  • Social identity
  • Data science
  • Longitudinal data
  • Social networks




An expanding collection of tools I originally created to aid in my own research. The unifying theme is the ability to report and visualize the results of regression models. Most popular are functions that provide a streamlined, customizable summary of regressions (including robust standard error support) in the console, HTML/LaTeX/Word tables, and coefficient plots. A few other tools have been described in my blog and elsewhere.


Previously part of the jtools package, this provides a set of functions that aid the analysis of statistical interactions. It implement simple slopes analysis, the calculation of Johnson-Neyman intervals, and plots for understanding interaction effects.


This is an R package that contains tools for the management and analysis of panel data. The main contributions are a panel_data object class designed to make panel-specific functions easier to handle and wbm, a procedure for fitting within-between regression models.


This R package implements a technique from Allison, Williams, and Moral-Benito (2017) and the Stata command xtdpdml. It combines maximum likelihood estimation, the logic of cross-lagged panel models, and the robustness to spuriousness of fixed effects estimators into dpm, dynamic panel models. Written with help from Richard Williams and Paul Allison.

South Carolina COVID-19 Dashboard

This is an interactive dashboard created to visualize the spread of COVID-19 in the state of South Carolina. It updates daily.

US Elections Polling Error Maps

This is an interactive data visualization created to look at geographic variation in polling error for recent US elections.

Group Mean Differences

This is a Shiny app to demonstrate to students how much randomly assigned groups can differ on some measure without it actually being a significant difference.

Song and Lyric Data Scraper

This is the Ruby-based command line tool I wrote to collect the music-related data that were content-analyzed in Long & Eveland (2021; published online 2018).

APA LaTeX Template

A template for writing reports in APA format using the LaTeX typesetting engine. The heavy lifting is done by the apa6 package, but this saves the user some time writing out code to get started.


JOUR 801 Syllabus
JOUR 790 Syllabus
JOUR 749 Syllabus
JOUR 717 Syllabus
JOUR 542 / Syllabus
JOUR 515 Syllabus
JOUR 400 Syllabus
JOUR 332 Syllabus
COMM 4820 Syllabus
COMM 3597 Syllabus
COMM 3554 Syllabus
COMM 2367 Syllabus

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